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March 2021







This month we want to encourage you to join us in praising the Lord for his marvelous provision this past year. The Scripture calls us to give thanks to the Lord, to praise the Lord, and to make his deeds known among the nations. As we prepare for Sharathon 2021 in March, we want to begin our preparations with praise. We praise the Lord for the faithfulness of our listeners in 2020. We thank him for our new listeners and we thank him for the many ways he provided for The Cornerstone as we ministered to our community this past year. Please join us in offering a prayer of praise to the Lord!


Finally, after several unexpected delays 96.9 FM came alive February 11, 2021.

If you live in Port Orange or south of Port Orange, you can hear all the programming broadcast from WMFJ 1450 AM Now on 96.9 FM.

Many in New Smyrna, Edgewater and Oak Hill have not had the blessing of listening to WMFJ 1450 and all the teaching programs and the sacred music weekends. Now they can.

Another great benefit is the sound quality. It is excellent and so much better than WMFJ, especially at night. If you live North of Port Orange up to ISB, the signal comes in great in the car, maybe not so much in a building. Also, if you are going west from New Smyrna, you can get the signal all the way to the fairgrounds. Wherever you live, give it a try. Who knows, sometimes you just may be in the right spot.

It is our desire to reach many more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Praise be to God, He has given our community another blessing.



By Bill Powell

What does Keep the Faith mean? Like many things, it may mean different things for different people. Some are faithful to a cause or ideology. Maybe someone said to you that they have faith in you. One thing not as common as it once was- is to be faithful on the job. The faith I am referring to is the faith that was once delivered to the saints. The faith which is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen. The faith in the one who holds our future. The one who can save our soul.

What does it mean to keep it? You need to have it first then you need to keep it. Our mission at The Cornerstone is to reach and teach people about Jesus. To give reason to have faith in Him. To help us all to know Him better and that faith in Him is the key to eternal life and life more abundantly. It is our desire to appeal to everyone willing to listen to contend earnestly for the faith that was once delivered and handed down to the saints (Jude 3:1 NASB).

What is the faith I speak of? The Faith- that is a substance of what we should hope for. He is the evidence, the substance of eternal life. When the world comes crashing in on us and life makes no sense. He is the evidence or assurance along with His promises for us to have faith. It is not a blind faith. Stay close to Him in prayer. Seek Him. Study His word. Be part of His church. Love your neighbor. And He will become real, and your faith will be real. Seek and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened to you. That is the faith once delivered we should keep.

Our annual Sharathon is this month March 17,18,19. Ask yourself, is this ministry necessary? Is it helpful and hopeful? Is it necessary in reaching unbelievers, backsliders, and sinners? Does it benefit our community? Has it kept the faith? If so, then we need your financial support. We will take three days to seek to show you the value and needs of this radio ministry. Please pray about it. Tune in. Spread the word. Let us Keep the faith going in Volusia, Flagler, and South St. Johns counties. Pledge your financial support.

(Heb 11:3 NASB) By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.



By Chris Johnson

How many times have you listened to a song or a teaching program on the Cornerstone and been overwhelmed by the message you heard? The truth, the hope and the power of the gospel is what we long to spread far and wide through the airwaves of East Central Florida! For many decades we’ve been committed to Keeping the Faith and staying the course of following Christ and being a beacon of hope throughout our community. The great news is we’ve never been alone in the effort. Since the beginning of Cornerstone Broadcasting the Lord has provided laborers who’ve served the ministry on a daily basis, volunteers who’ve accomplished more things than could be listed on this page, and prayer partners who’ve faithfully cried out to God on our behalf and sought his blessing on this important work. Additionally, God has funded this ministry through donors like yourself who’ve sacrificially given to make the ministry possible. How wonderful and marvelous to look back upon all that Christ has done! He’s done so much, and he’s done so by using various members of his body to do the work of bringing the gospel to Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns and beyond.

This month is one of the most important months of the year because on March 17-19 we’re opening up the phone lines and setting aside precious time to raise the money to fund the Cornerstone! Sharathon 2021 is the start of a brand-new year of ministry and we are praying you’ll be among those the Lord calls to help us do the work in the year to come. The fields are white for harvest and the Cornerstone is set to call men, women and children to Christ once again this year. Will you help us by prayerfully considering a financial pledge of support? Pray and Pledge today!



By Denisha Stearns

I knew we should have filled up the gas tank at that last rest stop! If you have ever said these words, you know of the unsettling experience that follows. Like my car, I think my mind works the same way sometimes. Recently, a friend shared with me some of her struggles, and the voice in my head echoed with hollow emptiness- “Where’s the Scripture…ure...ure?” Sheepishly feeling ill-prepared, I offered a prayer and a listening ear. Driving home later with the radio turned to The Cornerstone, I heard program after program offer truths about God and wisdom for my friend that had earlier eluded me. My, I hoped my friend was tuned in also.

Jesus said, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matt 4:4 NIV).” At the station, we ask the Lord to give us our daily bread, and we take things one year at a time. Your financial help and your prayers will help our teaching and music to be available 24/7, whenever you are famished and thirsty and need to feed your faith in 2021. Then, instead of running on empty or running out, you are filled and fueled for the day’s journey. And good news! Other faithful and new listeners can fill up at the same time. So, please call in during Sharathon and make a pledge, pray for this ministry, or just return the pledge card. And thank you so much for your continued and enthusiastic support.



By Christina Hutchinson

"My song, when enemies surround me

My hope, when tides of sorrow rise

My joy, when trials are abounding

Your faithfulness, my refuge in the night."

Lyrics from Sovereign Grace Music | O Lord My Rock and My Redeemer

I can't help but think of the many ways God's Spirit ministers to us on a day-to-day basis. Whether trials truly are abounding or you're in a time of bliss, He is there in so many ways; through friends and family, through fellowship at church, through songs, but most definitely through His Word.

The Cornerstone is committed to bringing the one and only Gospel of Jesus Christ to your community and beyond. We broadcast biblical teaching from Oak Hill to St Augustine. The music is a bonus! Just think of all the ways that the Holy Spirit is reaching hearts and bringing them to Christ all through a radio station!

Now, go back to the lyrics at the start of this article. Is The Cornerstone one of your main hubs to find a song when enemies surround you? Do we bring you hope when sorrows rise? Do we bring you joy when trials are abounding? Does it bring you messages of God's faithfulness? Do we inspire you to keep the faith even through dark times? This is not the work of just a radio station this is the work of God Almighty through this ministry He has so graciously allowed to be a part of your community. If you're committed to keeping the faith and want others to know and love Christ, please help us during our Sharathon March 17-19. We hope through every season you Keep The Faith and know that here at The Cornerstone we are committed to inspiring you through God's Holy Word.



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Our Stations



89.7 FM

New Smyrna Beach

90.3 FM

Flagler Beach

97.3 FM


Daytona Beach

102.7 FM


101.3 FM

St. Augustine


1450 AM

Greater Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach

96.9 FM


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