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February 2019 Newsletter

Save The Date:

February 13: National radio Day

February 14: Valentine's Day

Prayer Corner:

We’re gearing up for our 2019 Spring Sharathon! We would love for you to join us in praying for our efforts in preparing for this event. We also pray for God to provide for this ministry as He sees fit and that our listeners would join in on our efforts to keep The Cornerstone live on the airways!



By Bill Powell

Back in the day most people, when they jumped in the car, turned on the radio. It was quite common to start DXing (scanning the dial). That is how you discovered your brand of music and your favorite artist. If you were a talk radio person, you scanned to find the best station in your area for Bible teaching. WMFJ was once the top station in our area. Actually, WMFJ was one of the oldest stations in Florida, born 1935. It was the top pop music station, and if you grew up here and have been around since the 60’s it was probably your favorite station. WMFJ was born again and became Christian July 1st, 1979. Thanks to Bob Weeks who has since gone on to be with the Lord. If you wanted Christian programming, 1450 was the place.

In the '80s, people were still reliant on the radio, but it was the FM stations that you tuned to for music and AM for Bible teaching. In 1987, if you scanned to find Christian music you landed on WJLU and if you wanted talk, Christian talk, you landed on WMFJ. Now, there are other Christian stations and so many other choices for people when they get in their automobiles. I recently bought a new car, and it has satellite radio. I can play my iPod. I can sync to my phone. You can plug in a jump drive. Some cars still have CD players. I even have a portable tape player I can plug into my USB drive and listen to cassettes. There are audio books and video players for the kids. Does that make us obsolete? No, it doesn’t. Let me make my case. First, let me start by letting you know all the many ways you can enjoy the programming of the Cornerstone and why you should make it an important part of your listening habits. Of course, you can tune us in on the radio from Oak Hill to St. Augustine and west to Sanford. You can listen on your computer anywhere in the world, on your phone, and if you have a smart TV with Roku, Amazon Fire, or Droid TV you can watch our TV programming. Our latest method is Alexa. If you have an Alexa, all you have to say is, “Alexa tune in WJLU or tune in WMFJ.” You can listen in your car anywhere on your phone if you have blue tooth in your car. Any technical questions- give us a call. We will be glad to assist. Let me finish by saying why you should include us as an important part of your listening. First, we are faithful to the word of God. We carefully screen all our programming so you can trust what we put on the air. We eliminate scandals and false theology and devote a lot of resources to provide you with access to the best Christian music. Our web site is chock full of valuable information to keep you abreast of what is happening in our local area. We spend our time and talent to scan, critique, and shield you from being tossed to and from every wind of doctrine. Lastly, we are a part of your community and have been for many, many years.

We are committed to serving the people of Volusia, Flagler, and South St. Johns counties. Our mission will never change and that is to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ and disciple the saved. The methods have changed but not the message. I rest my case. (Eph 4:14) As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;



by Chris Johnson

In John 17, we are privy to one of the most important prayers Jesus ever prayed. Just moments before his betrayal and arrest, our Lord raised his voice to the heavens and cried out to his Father in earnest supplication. “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is truth.” (Vs.17) The power of those words cannot be overstated. Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word of God had walked the earth, proclaimed the Gospel and transformed the lives of his disciples. He was prepared to go the final mile and give his life as a ransom for many (Matt 20:28, Mark 10:45). As he prayed for his redeemed people he sought the Father to purify and consecrate them by the his word. The Word of God, says the writer of Hebrews, is “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword…and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb. 4:12). Paul commanded Timothy to, “Preach the Word” (2 Timothy 4:2) and Peter told his readers that they’d been “purified” by the “word of God which lives and abides forever” (I Peter 1:22-23). Dozens of other passages speak of the sanctifying power of the word of God and thus we see the pleasure of the Father in answering the prayer of the Son.

We, at the Cornerstone, also see the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer because it is our highest priority to see that the word of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ, is faithfully heralded over the airwaves of our community. Hundreds, even thousands of testimonies of God’s sanctifying work in the lives of men and women in our community have been told and that number continues to grow by the day. Recently, I sat with a man who relayed the story of God’s grace in using the teaching on the Cornerstone to transform his life. He expressed, nearly in tears, that day after day, month after month the Lord used this ministry to disciple him in the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ. You see the Father continues to answer Christ’s prayer to this very day, even at this very moment. Moreover, he uses people like yourself to answer that prayer. Your prayer, your volunteer hours and your financial partnership in this ministry serve to help answer the prayer of Christ. We rejoice that God is sanctifying our listeners as His word is proclaimed. We also rejoice that you are part of that work and pray you might continue to be in the future. Thank you in advance for your ongoing support, and may the Lord continue to use our co-labors for his eternal glory!



by Denisha Stearns

I almost couldn’t get to sleep that night from nervous anticipation. I thought of how I had joyfully prepared the past several days. My plaid pleated skirt with matching top, lacy ankle socks, and shiny black buckled shoes was set out on my dresser. I had washed and braided my hair. My backpack had been packed and repacked with various pencils, colored erasers, and the newest three-fold binder. And my lunchbox was stuffed and waiting-at-the-ready for that great event called 3rd Grade- Day One.

You probably have an event in your past that has brought you the same can-hardly-sleep excitement. Maybe it was a Back-to-School Day from childhood, your wedding, or even a recent vacation far away from home. Do you remember the fun of planning, gathering, and (sometimes the difficulty of) waiting? And then, when the Big Day finally arrived you felt a sense of relief from the anticipation because either way the day unfolded- well or not so well- the wait was over. At the studios, were are planning for our next Big Day (or “Big Week” to be more accurate)- Sharathon 2019!! My anticipation is growing as I think about past Sharathons- the joy of the Lord that accompanies the visiting on-air guests and volunteers who stay ready by the phones, bring food and encouraging words, and pray. We have already begun creating print and digital designs, recording on-air promotions, gathering give-aways, and setting up to accept pledges. The time, energy, and emotions spent on preparing is well worth it as Sharathon helps to steer the course of our year here at The Cornerstone and helps us continue to be “Faithful to the Word”.

Sharathon 2019 is just around the corner, March 19th-22nd, but there’s no need to let anticipation get to you; you can be involved now. If the Lord is nudging you to be involved by making a pledge, you can send it in anytime. Your pre-pledge is encouragement for us as we continue to prepare and wonder how the Lord will work through this year’s event. Because the Lord IS so good, just like that night of my childhood, I will be awake and eagerly anticipating Sharathon 2019. Thank you, and God bless you.



by Christina Hutchinson

The Cornerstone’s 2019 Sharathon! We are well under way in prepping for what we call “our main event.” We have all kinds of details that we have to get ready in order for our Sharathon to take off without a hitch. We have software to prepare and our office to decorate. We book guests, food, and volunteers! There’s so much to it, but I won’t bore you with all the details, however you’re more than welcome to stop by the studios during our Sharathon and see for youself the hard work that goes into this grand production each year. Just as we prepare for the Sharathon operations, so you too have preparing to do! You prepare your hearts to give graciously to The Cornerstone so that we can reach our goal needed to run the station for an entire year. Your part in our Sharathon is the most important of all! Without you, The Cornerstone would be completely nonexistant. We’re asking those of you who are willing to stand with us and support us, to consider pre-pledging using our pledge form inserted in this newsletter. It’s a BIG encouragement to the staff here to see pledges before the Sharathon and it gives us a boost to start! Of course, we don’t ask our listeners to give without first praying about it. Remember, no gift is too small and no gift is too large. Whatever you feel led to give we hope that you do with a gracious heart. With all that said, we would love for you to tune in during our 2019 Sharathon, pray for us, and help us reach our goal. MARCH 19 - 22 | FAITHFUL TO THE WORD

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Our Stations



89.7 FM

New Smyrna Beach

90.3 FM

Flagler Beach

97.3 FM


Daytona Beach

102.7 FM


101.3 FM

St. Augustine


1450 AM

Greater Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach

96.9 FM


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