February 2018 Newsletter
Save The Date:
February 14- Valentine's Day
March 20-23- Spring Sharathon
Prayer Corner:
Through the Valentine’s Day season, as Christians we know where true love comes from. We pray that the love of Christ be on display through each one of you and that the Lord would provide opportunities to share that love with others around you. Also, pray that we have a successful Sharathon in March!
By Bill Powell
One thing as Floridians we do well is preparation for hurricanes. Not only do we prepare well but we also recover well. It is hard to imagine, but in an 11-month period, we lived through two hurricanes, Matthew and Irma. Both required a great deal of preparation and recovery. You are probably saying, “Don’t remind me.” Hopefully, we will prepare every year but not have to recover every year. I think as Floridians we set a good example for other states by our example of how well we prepare and recover.
2017 was a rough year for recovery for The Cornerstone. We experienced, through no fault of our own, dead air for longer than we ever have before. Thankfully, we have recovered for the most part. We still have some things to address, but they will take funding we don’t currently have. The one big ticket item is generators for WMFJ and WJLH. We also still need to get the flooded-out transmitter at WMFJ repaired to be used as a backup.
Right now, we are in preparation for our main fundraiser most of you know as Sharathon. For it to be successful requires a great deal of preparation. Like hurricanes, we have been through this many times. It is our main fundraiser (or ”fun” raiser) for the year, and we work real hard to make it inspiring, fun, and something to look forward to. There are things to order, artwork to produce, printing to be done, equipment to set up , programming to prepare, and people to schedule.
It’s a time to reflect and re-connect with all the many people who have made this work of God what it is. Sharathon is not just a fundraiser but is a time to share in the success of the past and prepare for the future. We made it this far since 1989 when WJLU went on the air. And we are not through yet! The gospel must be preached, and there is discipling to be done until the Lord Jesus Christ returns. Will you join us in preparing by praying that the Lord will provide our needs? If possible, give us a call and volunteer, or send in a pre-pledge so when we begin, we don’t have to start at zero.
Let’s set an example for the lost, the hurting, and those seeking life’s answers of how to prepare for eternal life. That will be the greatest recovery of all times.
John 14:2,3 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I am you may be also.
By Chris Johnson
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine! I’m not sure there can be any greater words of encouragement and hope for the believer than are found in the stanza of that great hymn. Life on planet earth is filled with anything but assurance. In fact, we purchase insurance to protect from the lack of assurance that we have in this life. When the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to behold and embrace the truth of salvation he comes as a seal from the Father and Son. A promise that the work of salvation has been eternally established and will be brought to completion. Ephesians reminds us that the Holy Spirit is the “guarantee of our inheritance.”(Eph 1:14) I love that, because these truths remind us of the beauty of God’s faithfulness and work in our lives. He has called us to be His, and nothing and no one can take that assurance away. Likewise, as members of His body, and those who are now called to bear the fruit of Christ, it is our responsibility to reflect that same faithfulness to those around us.
Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us and with it a myriad of flowers, chocolates, and gift giving. While these are certainly wonderful expressions of our love, I can’t help but be reminded that they are temporary and soon waste away. While they serve a wonderful and even yummy purpose, alone they do not have the power to convey longstanding commitment to faithfulness. However, what if this month along with a special gift you also prayerfully seek your heavenly Father for the grace to express faithfulness and assurance to the ones you love? If married, consider the vows that you took and the sacred nature of the gift of marriage and see whether you are being faithful to those promise filled words. Repent of those moments where you have failed and commit yourself to faithfully following the words of Scripture as it relates to your marriage. Gifts are wonderful and are worthy of our efforts but what can be greater than a face to face conversation with the one who you pledged your life to as you speak words of assurance concerning your commitment to faithfully and joyfully living out your promises of protection, provision, fidelity, love, humility, honor and respect. May this month be filled with special times of renewal and love for one another as we consider the faithfulness of God and our call to replicate that as his sons and daughters.
By Christina Hutchinson
We hope you are just as excited about our 2018 Spring Sharathon as we are! New year, new theme, and new opportunities to give to this ministry. It’s also a great time to tell a friend or two to tune in and learn what The Cornerstone is all about. We’re a dedicated ministry to teaching and reaching with the gospel. Our mission is To Tell of Him; the One who has come and will come again for the sake of His people. But before we get to our actual Sharathon you have an opportunity to be one of our early supporters! When you pre-pledge you’re helping us get a major boost towards our goal. There are a few different ways you can make a pre-pledge right now! You can give us a call at 386-756-9094. You can fill out the handy pledge form you found inside this newsletter and place it in the return envelope and send it off. One of the most convenient ways is on our website at wjlu.org. One other thing we like to set in place before sharathon is volunteers. We need volunteers to deliver bulletin inserts, answer phones during Sharathon and of course we need prayer partners! We have added a volunteer slip to make it easy for you to sign up! Just simple fill out the form, cut it out and send it in the return envelope! We look forward to having a great sharathon March 20-23! Mark your calendars and please pray for successful fundraising.
Is It You?
By Denisha Stearns
Some of the best times I have had in my adult life have been in the company of children. This past Sunday, to end a lesson on adopting Isaiah’s willing attitude toward God’s work, the children in my group jubilantly waved their hand cut-outs and called out “Here I am! Send Me!” I filled with joy at their enthusiasm. As we prepare for this year’s Sharathon, I wonder whom God is asking to go for Him, whom He is preparing to send on His behalf. Last year was my first ever Sharathon (my first week working at the station, in fact). I felt the Lord sent me to this work, and almost a year later, I still do! I am so happy and grateful to be working for Him. Sometimes, we have this idea that to work for God, we have to be sent far from our homes, to another state, country, or continent. Not so! Our sending may be as close as our prayer closets or just as far as our local radio station… to The Cornerstone in Port Orange! In fact, we at the station are looking for volunteers for Sharathon to: Staff a phone line, or Deliver bulletins to churches (before Sharathon), or Be a prayer partner We have a prayer room at the station for just that purpose, and we truly value your prayers. Do you feel the Lord’s nudge to get involved in Sharathon this year? Is He sending you? Then this is your chance! While the children in my church group were just practicing, your own answer to His calling can be genuine. AND it can be just as enthusiastic. So please call our office (386) 756-9094. Let us know how you would like to help. And for a few hours, or the whole week! We appreciate you, and The Cornerstone is preparing for its best Sharathon yet!