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August Newsletter 2016

Dates To Remember:

August 10: First Day of School for Flagler & St. Johns County

August 15: First Day of School for Volusia County

August 17: First Day of School for Key West

September 14-16: Cornerstone's Fall Fundraiser


Love Is by Bill Powell

The word love is probably one of the most used words in any language, geography or time in history. As I thought about this it came to mind just how endless the ways in which the

word love is used. Let me just try and scratch the surface. People love their pets, their cars, their jobs, wives, husbands, their furniture, house, friends, family, and smells, sounds, touch and looks. We love ideas, books, history, art, games, swimming, sky diving, walking, running, movies, motorcycles, and let’s not forget ourselves. Hopefully the most important use of the word is that we love the Lord.

What does that really mean when we love something? Is it the fuzzy feeling we get when something makes us feel good inside? Is it the result of some outside force or an inward force? Is there a difference in the application or interpretation of the word? Is it the same love if we love our dog versus loving our spouse? If you love doing something, is it the same as loving someone? One thing I love doing is answering a question with a question. Is this not something to consider?

When I have a question about life I go to our instruction manual. I love the saying when all else fails read the instructions. My instruction manual is something I love dearly and that is the Bible. I would love to break this all down for you, but I have this article to write and no time to write a book. If you love to study, this would be a great study for you. I would like to just focus in on one type of love and that is the word love from the Greek word agape or agapao in the scriptures.

In the scriptures this is the word used that instructs us to love one another and to love our neighbor as our selves. Mat 22:39 And a second is like it: You shall love (agape) your neighbor as yourself. This is also the love that we are to have for our enemies. Luke 6:35 But love (agape) your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. This is a social or moral love that is not based on emotions or feelings but from a sense of doing what is right. It is the kind of love that allows us to forgive and to do good unto others even when they don’t deserve it. It is love not expecting anything in return. This is the kind of love that can sometimes be unpleasant such as when you must confront someone concerning sin or correction for their own good not out of revenge or pay back. Webster’s dictionary defines love: unselfish, loyal and

benevolent concern for the good of another: as (1) the fatherly concern of God for humankind; (2) brotherly concern for others.

The best example of this type of love is the love the Lord has for us. While we were still sinners He died for us. He did for us what we did not deserve and could not do for ourselves. Like a father who loves His children, He corrects because He loves us. We all know John 3:16: He loved (agape) us so much He sent His only begotten son to bear our sins on the cross. In John 21:17 Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love (agape) me? Peter said, “ You know I love (Phileo) you. Phileo love means to be a friend and have an affection, a feeling, or sentiment.Jesus wants us to have agape love. Not that the other types are wrong,but agape love is born out by our actions and is the type of love that is needed to do His will and work. Jesus told Peter to go feed His sheep. As Christians, this is the type of love we are required to have and exercise in our daily lives.

All of us here at The Cornerstone agape love you all, and some phileo as well. Thank you for your love toward this ministry and your love for the lost in our community.


Near And Far- The Message Remains The Same

by Chris Johnson

A few weeks ago the telephone rang here at the studios of Cornerstone Broadcasting. I finished my sip of coffee and answered the phone with a warm greeting and was quickly greeted by a dear listener who’d recently relocated out of state. I hadn’t heard her voice for months and a smile quickly formed as I heard her stories of life in her new town. My smile faded to a frown though as she told me of how much she missed The Cornerstone’s daily ministry in her life and up to that point hadn’t discovered a Christian radio station in her area. She pined away about how much she longed for encouraging music and solid Bible teaching; she missed our voices and the assurance that we were there for her each time she tuned in. “I sure do miss my friends,” she said, and with that our conversation returned to warm affirmations of our shared appreciation for one another. I reminded her that we stream our stations online at and encouraged her to log on regularly to tune in and listen. I also asked her if she had downloaded The Cornerstone Radio app to her iPhone. She didn’t have an iPhone but was relieved to know that the same app was available for her Droid phone and was eager to download it and start listening. Shortly thereafter our conversation ended and I began to thank the Lord for the wonderful privilege it is to serve at this ministry. It’s been nearly 12 years since I began working here and I’ve had the joy of watching technology change this place from the inside out. How wonderful to be able to reach so much of Volusia, Flagler and south St. Johns Counties. How amazing to know that every day the gospel of Christ is being proclaimed in Key West over the radio airwaves of this ministry. What a joy to have a staff of people who truly love the Lord and long for his message to be heralded to the ends of the earth. There’s not a

day that goes by that we don’t give thanks for being a small part of God’s evangelistic outreach to so many in our local communities and around the world. As we continue into the second half of 2016 we want to encourage you to continue to pray for us as we seek to remain faithful in our ministry endeavors. Pray for the Lord to use the music, family programs, and Bible teaching to impact the lives of thousands every day and join us in ask him to grow our listenership and open new doors of opportunity to broadcast His truth. Help us spread the word by telling your family, friends and neighbors where they can tune into solid Christian programming that will always be Christ-centered. We thank the Lord for each of our listeners and pray each week that the things you hear will encourage you and will be used by you to share with others. Have a wonderful final few weeks of summer and know that we’re gearing up for an exciting fall season!


Stay Tuned and Be Listening Fall

Fundraiser September 14 - 16


Time And Eternity by Christina Hutchinson

Didn’t I just have a birthday? Didn’t we just enter into the New Year? Time just seems to be strapped to a rocket and is traveling at warped speed! We all have busy schedules and things planned that we’re looking forward to which seems to make time speed up. I remember as a kid thinking it would take an eternity to get through the school year or that it would take all day to take a 30 minute drive to the beach. Now as an adult time passes by so quickly I hardly even remember what I had for breakfast and that was an hour ago! In all seriousness time is always on our minds. Everything we do is wrapped up in time. We calculate our route from A to B and make plans for the immediate future and for the long-term. Do you ever think about our time here on earth? It is not even a blot on a timeline compared to eternity. Just think about that for a moment. Eternity compared to 40, 60, or 70 years. It’s hard to comprehend because for us the thought of a thousand years exceeds the limits of our concept of time. What is time to God? Second Peter 3:8 says “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” I just find that to be truly fascinating. It also tells me how important our small amount of time here on earth really is. We must use it wisely. Ephesians 5:15-16 says “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” As Christians, we have a responsibility to be good stewards of our time. Why? Because in reality it’s not our time, it has been given to us. Thus it belongs to the Lord! God has numbered our days and so we are to use that time to preach the gospel so that the lost may be saved, as Bill said in his article last month, infiltrating our children, because the enemy seeks to destroy them. That is so evident in the world today. We must also invest our time into heavenly, eternal things. My prayer is this “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12. How will you use your time for the remainder of 2016 and beyond? God Bless.


Back of The Line by Donna Bramlett

I was heading into Walmart yesterday, and I had to cut a wide path around two men who almost came to blows over a disabled parking space. What a shame. That could have gone so differently. How contrary the Christian life should be compared to this! Christ teaches us to prefer one another. By example, God the Father stooped down to make us great (Ps. 18:35). Christ came first as the suffering servant to show us by example the magnificent love of the Father, and our humility and lowliness can be our most powerful witness as well. But it isn’t easy! This country has become tremendously narcissistic and selfish as a whole. In fact, where selflessness used to be synonymous with heroism, now people are applauded for having a me-first mentality, and phrases like selfie, personal fitness, personal space, self-care, and me-time are common as peanut butter. The very idea of intentionally choosing a parking space with a longer walk or giving way and waiting for the next is enough to make the blood boil. This morning I heard Chuck Swindoll expound on the meaning of “turn the other cheek,” which he said is a willingness to take an insult without returning one, even to take a second without retaliation. What! He must be kidding. But this is what Christ did when He was insulted. He did not answer a word (1 Peter 2:23). Doesn’t it just rankle us though when someone shoves their way in front of us? I sure can get riled over it. The fact that selfishness is the norm means that as selfless ones we will be trampled a lot more often, jostled out of lines and parking spaces, and we will often be despised or just plain invisible - in Christ’s name. And that’s the key. For the glory of Christ we present a brilliant contrast to this dark world, which should provoke people to seek a better one! God, give us grace! Do all things without grumbling or

disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. (Phil. 2:14-16)

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89.7 FM

New Smyrna Beach

90.3 FM

Flagler Beach

97.3 FM


Daytona Beach

102.7 FM


101.3 FM

St. Augustine


1450 AM

Greater Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach

96.9 FM


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