June 2019 Newsletter
Save The Date:
June 14: Flag Day
June 16: Father's Day
June 21: First Day of Summer
Prayer Corner | There is much to pray about this month, per usual. We invite you to pray for kids who are out of school for summer break! We pray that it would be a joyous time and that Jesus would be introduced to those who don’t know Him. We pray for recently graduated seniors as they start their new journey in this big world and that they would cling to Christ and follow His will for their lives. We also pray for the fathers across the nation this Father’s Day. May the see their importance in the lives of their families and that those who know Christ, would continue to direct their family’s hearts and minds to the truth of God’s Word. May God’s truth be planted into the hearts and minds of those who still yet believe.
The month of June is that time of year when we think of vacations, picnics, going to the beach, and the list of fun is endless. For me yes, I plan on a vacation, but it is also the time of year for us to put our energies towards taking care of business. What do I mean by that, you may ask? The Cornerstone consists of seven transmitter sites and a very complicated studios facility. Do you have any maintenance to do around your house? Of course, you do. Picture if you will what it takes to maintain your household, and multiply that several times. That is what we have to take care of and maintain. Did I mention there are only 3 full-time and 2 part-time employees?
There are grounds to maintain, generators to service, and things to fix, clean, and upgrade. Let me give you an idea of what needs our attention. We have just replaced the panels of our sign out front because the letters have weathered and they are peeling. It still needs to be caulked and painted. We also have replaced some ballasts and bulbs in the studios. The same is needed at three of our transmitter sites. I am hoping to get the tower at 89.7 painted, and the roof on the building needs a repair. There is a bunch of junk that has to be hauled off at WMFJ. The grounds need to be tended to as well.
Our app for listening on your phone needs updating, and we hope to have that done soon. Several of our battery backups need to be replaced. The tile floor at the studios needs to be stripped and waxed. The list of bigger projects also haunts me like getting rid of an old transmitter at WJLU and installing a backup. A battery charger is needed for the generator, and a new photocell for the tower lights. Some work needs to be done to our remote control units at three of our sites. They are how we remotely keep up with the equipment. The 89.7 tower site has a lightning problem that may require digging a trench around the building and tower. In the trench, we would build a copper ground system to avert the lightning from the tower to the ground rather than the building.
Then there is planning for our Summer Giveaway, Port Orange Family Days, and our fall fundraiser. And if we can get a good speaker, we want to have another luncheon for the Christian businesses in our community. Because we can’t afford billboards, we plan to distribute flyers to the churches in our area. Oh, did I mention to pray for the hurricanes to skip us this year? All this and keep all the equipment running 24/7/365. We don’t have the luxury to hire out everything that needs to be done. We are committed to providing quality programming that proclaims the gospel and the truth of God's Word.

Have you ever experienced the Lord opening a door to something new for you and your family? Maybe it was a new job or a new place to live. Maybe you’d been thinking and praying for something and had even made plans to pursue it when all of a sudden the Lord redirected your steps. That’s exactly what happened to my family and I in 2018. Beginning in 2012, we had begun seeking the Lord for wisdom regarding attending seminary. I had just completed a course of studies at Liberty University and was in the process of beginning the next phase at The Master’s University. As the Lord would have it that next phase didn’t begin until 2015 and yet even then we began to consider what it would look like to give ourselves to post-graduate studies. In the spring of 2018, just a few months before graduating from TMU, we began to finalize our decisions regarding seminary and came right up to the point of deciding to move out of the area. All of a sudden the Lord redirected our lives and brought about one of the greatest joys we’ve ever known. He knitted our hearts with the brand new Christ Theological Seminary.
I had lunch with the dean of the seminary who introduced me to the plans for the opening of the seminary in the fall of 2018. At first, I resisted, as I thought we’d already made plans to attend another seminary, and wasn’t interested in changing those plans. However, the Lord had different plans and the opportunity of being part of the first class to attend CTS became a reality. Last month, we completed our first year of studies and I cannot express in words the thankfulness I have for the Lord opening this school in our area. The Scripture calls us to, “grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18), and Christ Theological Seminary has been an incredible blessing to in that pursuit. If you, or someone you know, has the desire to pursue a Masters of Divinity or Masters of Arts degree may I encourage you to consider the gem that God has placed right here in our local area. My life will never be the same because of Christ Theological Seminary and maybe that can be true for you too. Find out about the 2019 Fall Semester by visiting www.ChristSeminary.org or calling 386-672-1821.

Every now and then when I pull into The Cornerstone parking lot, the salty air from the ocean strikes my nose and instantly brightens my mood! I’m usually not in a bad mood in the morning anyhow, I’m very much a morning person. However, there’s just something about the salty air first thing in the morning that is more energizing to me than caffeine. I think it’s because it brings me back to when I was in school and was let out for summer break.
Growing up, I didn’t live near the beach. I lived out yonder near Tiger Bay. On 92 past 11th street. I know that area sounds familiar to most of you. Now, 92 is referred to as ISB and 11th street is referred to as LPGA. Anyway, pardon my reminiscing. What I’m getting at is the majority of my summer breaks as a kid were spent mostly in the woods riding dirtbikes or horses, whichever I was in the mood for that day. So, going to the beach was a real treat! That’s why the ocean aroma is such a breath of fresh air for me. It was so different than what I was used to on a regular basis. It wasn’t until I met Ryan that I started spending much more time at the beach since we now live so much closer to the coast.
Coming to Christ and my eyes being opened to truth was a lot and is still a lot like that breath of fresh air. Sometimes in our daily walk, we get used to the same ol' same ol' but then we’re reminded of the truths, promises, and love of God that we take it all in once again, filling our hearts and desire to be evermore closer and closer to Christ. My first breath of salty air only made me desire more and now here I am close to the coast. Take in that breath of fresh air, come to Christ, fill your heart with His love, truths, and promises.
But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

One of my favorite things to do in the summer when my children were young was Summer Storyhour at the public library. We would listen to stories told from storybooks and watch stories acted out through pantomime or with puppets and music. The storyteller caught and kept my children’s attention, so much so that even years later they remember select stories from those summers.
Jesus knew the power of stories as He told people parables during His time of ministry. After He had told several parables as recorded in Matthew Chapter 13, He was asked why He taught in parables. Jesus explained (and I paraphrase), that to many, it was just a good story. Those certain people saw and heard the story on the surface and no deeper. For the others, especially the first disciples to whom God wished to reveal by His grace, there was a story behind the story. For those who had ears to hear and eyes to see, as Jesus put it.
There will be many opportunities this summer for people to be storytellers for Jesus, whether it be Christian summer camp or the many Vacation Bible Schools. Many thanks goes to the willing volunteers who understand the life-changing potential of these events as they share the good news of Jesus. Will you join me in praying for these efforts? For the teachers to be faithful to God’s Word, for God to grant to the children eyes to see and ears to hear so that they should turn to Jesus. For them not just to be entertained, but to understand the lessons God intended for them through the recording of the many events in the Bible.
May none who attend these camps and Bible Schools reach the end of this summer without Jesus in their hearts and without their lives changed. (It’s hopeful of me, but I know that God can do what seems to man to be impossible.) I pray these children look back years later to 2019 as their most memorable summer. Not because of the fun camping trip or the hotel pool with the twenty foot water slide but because of their Summer Storyhour with their Savior.
Elisabeth Elliot was one of the most influential Christian women of our time. For a half century, her best selling books, timeless teachings and courageous faith have influenced believers and seekers of Jesus Christ throughout the world. She used her experiences as a daughter, wife, mother, widow, and missionary to bring the message of Christ to countless women and men around the world. Find out more at wjlu.org
The Cornertsone is thankful to have Might As Well Jump Inflatables to our growing number of sponsors. They are an inflatables slide, bounce house, and obstacle course rental business. They hot birthdays and other fun events. Their website is www.mightaswelljumpinflatables.com. We are grateful for their support. Their number is 386.846.4837. John 1:3 All things came into being through Him and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.