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January Newsletter 2020

Save The Date

January 1 | New Years

January 20 | Martin Luther King Jr Day

January is sanctity of life month. The observed day is on Sunday, January 19

Prayer Corner

Please join us in praying for the new year ahead. Pray for families who are beginning new journeys. Maybe a big move is taking place, or someone is taking on a new job. Pray for those who are starting off the new year without loved one, that God would comfort them through the new year and every year to come. Pray also that the people in our nation would hear God’s truth and submit to Him. That hearts would be changed and they would truly see that there is freedom in Christ and His truth alone.



by Bill Powell

It was our prayer that you had a wonderful Merry Christmas. Now comes the New Year, so Happy New Year to you all. If you would indulge me, I have an opinion I would like to share. Let's face it- that is something we all have in common. We all have an opinion. This is one of those two sides of a coin. On the one side is the New Years' resolution. Read your Bible more, lose weight, exercise, worry less, watch my tongue more, and the granddaddy of all- rededicate my life to Christ. On the other side of the coin is complaining about all the hypocrisy of the New Years' resolution. All the comments and jokes about it. Here are a few one-liners to illustrate my point.

I was going to quit all my bad habits for the new year, but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter.

My wife still hasn't told me what my New Year's resolutions are.

A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.

Now to my opinion. What’s wrong with setting goals to improve your life. Years ago I made a resolution to exercise and get in shape, and I succeeded and it changed my life and health. I enjoy the benefits to this day. If you don’t make resolutions, you never achieve much. We should commit to losing weight, reading more, praying more, watching our tongue more, and I could go on. Actually, as Christians, we are being sanctified which is the process of change and becoming more like Christ. We are instructed to grow in grace and knowledge. (2Pe 3:18 NASB) but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. Transform yourself (Rom 12:2) And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

I get the fact you don’t have to wait and maybe shouldn’t wait until New Years to make a difference in your life, but that is where we are at right now. So, get out there and make some changes especially in your spiritual walk. Be a doer, not just a hearer or talker.

(Jas 1:23 NASB) For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror;

(Jas 1:24 NASB for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.

(Jas 1:25 NASB) But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.

That’s just my opinion!



by Chris Johnson

15 years! Wow, January 3, 2020 marked my 15th year at Cornerstone Broadcasting. I realize for many people fifteen years seems like a drop in the bucket, but I stand amazed at God’s providence and work in my life over these last years. Back then I was 21 years old, married just over a year, and really wondering how the Lord was going to direct my life. I’d always prayed to be in vocation ministry, and the Lord answered that prayer by not only providing Cornerstone but also the opportunity to be in pastoral ministry at Crosswalk Church in Daytona Beach. Looking back, if I were to survey a bucket list of things I wanted to accomplish in 2005, a few of the items would be as follows. We desired to have children, and the Lord has given us three (Noah 14, Levi 7 and Eden 2). I longed for a college degree, and the Lord opened the door for not only an AA from Liberty University and a BA from The Master’s University, but he also answered my prayer to enroll in seminary. As of writing this, I’m a 1 ½ years into seminary at Christ Theological Seminary, in Ormond Beach. Additionally, I’ve had the joy of working side by side with some of the greatest people I’ve ever known. Our GM, Bill Powell is a man of tremendous integrity and faithfulness. I’ve learned so much from his leadership and commitment to the gospel. My co-workers through the years have helped shape me into the person I am today and all hold a special place in my heart. My family, especially my precious wife Stephanie, have been so encouraging and made each day of these last 15 years all the more special. Last, but certainly not least, the ministry contacts and friendships like Jay Flowers, from Grace To You and Amy Casselberry from Truth for Life have served to widen my view of the marvelous things the Lord is doing around the world as his gospel is proclaimed.

When my wife and I were married in September 2003, we prayerfully purposed to be faithful in the small things of everyday life. As I survey the last 17 years of marriage so many of those “small things” have taken place right here at The Cornerstone. Some of my favorite passages over these years have been Proverbs 3:5-6, Proverbs 16:9, Philippians 4:6 and Isaiah 40:31. These passages, and countless more, have served to fuel a passion to be faithful in the small things and resolved to wait upon the Lord. I have no idea what the next 15 years will hold. I know just as in 2005 I have a bucket list of things I’d love to see come to fruition but for my part, I resolve to not grow weary as we wait upon the Lord.



by Christina Hutchinson

Hello there 2020! What a fantastic year 2019 was for me and my family. Ryan and I finally put our house up for sale! After 3 years of fixing it up, we listed it and are hoping to be out the end of this month. So much time and energy went into that home along with lots of great memories. I think what I love most about it is that it will always leave a lasting impression on Ryan and I. When we took our last walk through, double checking all the details, making sure there wasn’t a single thing left out, it really dawned on me how much we turned the place around. We practically rebuilt the home! Pulling out of the driveway leaves me with a sense that we did something good in our community and left our stamp.

It reminds me of seeing the stamp of God’s handiwork everywhere we look. Think about the rainbow after the storm. What a magnificant thing to behold! Its beauty has been designed by God in an organized and nothing less than glorious way. And to think, its all for His glory! I’m thankful for His creation and how it points to Him as creator, ruler, and sustainer. I was recently in conversation with someone who works on our local beaches. I asked him about where pelicans lay their nests, because I’ve never seen one, have you? He probably spent about 30 minutes just talking about how and where they lay their nests, other birds and their young. He told me some fasinating facts about sand pipers and how baby sandpipers are almost invisible on beaches because they blend into the sand. This is obviously so that they are protected by predators. My point is that creation is the stamp and evidence of our Creator. The home that Ryan and I have sold will have our stamp of love and care for our comunity and the family who chooses to make it their home.

Now we’re on to a new chapter in our lives. I don’t know what 2020 holds as far as a home and any kind of fixing up, but I know whatever God has in store Ryan and I will walk that path in full obedience. Thank you Lord for another year!

God Bless.


SEEING 20/20

by Denisha Stearns

During a recent visit to my stepson’s house, gathered in the living room and chatting together, I noticed that almost all of the seven gathered family members wore glasses. The youngest who is five, just got her first pair, and she looks super cute! We Stearnses really value our sight. How needy we all are for glasses to make that possible. Without them, I can’t drive a car or type this article, and I would go back to bumping into walls like when I was a kid. We were blind (almost), but now we see!

Certain ministries in our listening area rely on sight too- to do very important work. These are the pregnancy crisis/women’s resource centers. To name a few: Alpha Women’s Center in Palm Coast, Grace House Pregnancy Center in New Smyrna and Deland, and Pregnancy Crisis Center and Resources for Women, both in Daytona. Using ultrasound machines, the clinicians show women that what is in their bellies is not just a “pregnancy’, a condition, or a diagnosis, but is in fact, a baby and a human being. Project Ultrasound (a 501c(3)) claims that at least 60% of abortion-minded women who see their baby on an ultrasound choose adoption or parenting. Having sight makes a difference. The clinicians at these centers also help their clients to see spiritually as they share the good news of Jesus. It is written in the Bible (Acts 26) how Jesus sent out the apostle Paul “to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God” so that they may receive forgiveness of sins- what a benefit of spiritual sight! King David knew the benefit of spiritual sight also as in Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law.”

This new year being 2020, I think about what doctors say is the optimal measurement for eyesight- 20/20. Maybe this year is a year to ask the Lord for better spiritual sight, like the words to that classic 70s song Day by Day - “Oh, dear Lord, three things I pray- see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly, day by day.” As well, can you and I help open others’ eyes by asking of God and then sharing His Word? And who knows whether the Lord will prompt and enable you to increase your support for ministries like the pregnancy centers or The Cornerstone. It is work that helps people to see what’s really important. Let’s go for 20/20 in 2020!


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