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February 2020 Newsletter



2/2 | Ground Hog Day

2/14 | Valentine’s Day

2/17 | President’s Day



For the month of February we ask that you join with us in praying for Sharathon preparations. That we would be able to complete all that needs to be done smoothly and in a timely manner before the big week! We also ask that you pray for Valentines Day, that it would be a time for us to reflect on Christ’s love for us and how He showed us His love by dying for His people so that we may have eternal life with Him. May we show those around us the love of Christ and that His love is the truest of all and that He gives it so freely



Bill Powell

One of the strange things about working here at The Cornerstone is that most of our daily activities are future events. This month for us is all about March and our main fundraiser, Sharathon. We have been working on this since Christmas. One of the key pivotal things is the theme. It is our goal to make the case for donating to this ministry. Set that aside for a minute.

Often in any business there is a turnover in clientele. In our efforts, it is listeners. People move, people get saved, and some just never knew we existed. We frequently hear people say, “Oh, I listen to that other station,” with a kind of look like ‘I didn’t know you existed’. Obviously, we need to advertise even though our very existence is what others use to advertise. Many might be surprised on just how much we do to advertise. We would love to have an extensive billboard campaign, but that’s money we don’t have.

Back to our theme for Sharathon. We realized we missed our opportunity to promote WJLU’s 30th anniversary last year. As we talked, we realized we have many milestones to brag about. Well, let’s not say ‘brag’, but milestones that are worth noting. Did you know that WMFJ was one of- if not the first- radio station in Florida? Did you know it was born in 1939 and born again as Christian in 1979? Christian for 40 years. Did you know WJLU went on the air over 30 years ago?

It was a no brainer to make our theme ”Through the Decades”. There has been a lot of water under the bridge between 1939 and 2020. You’re in for a treat as we take you through the decades March 24th through the 27th. What makes me so excited is when I think of all the wonderful people that have shared this journey. Part of our plan is to have an open line for anyone who would like to call in and share briefly how the Cornerstone has impacted your life.

This is not going to be just an extended Throwback Thursday. It is our effort to inform motivated, new listeners. We are not done yet. Jesus has not returned yet, and there is much work to do going forward. Although trends change, the culture changes, and people change, the Cornerstone’s mission has never nor will ever change. Jesus is the same yesterday and forever. The Bible is always relevant and is the very gift God has given to every generation. It is our handbook and how we get to know the Lord.

We realize Sharathons don’t have quite the impact they once did, but we refuse to treat them as such. Many hours, prayer, and effort are being put into this year’s because we think you’re worth it, and it is our way to inform you and new listeners. May the Lord, with your help, make us known as we make Him known throughout the Volusia, Flagler, and South St. John’s counties. Oh, and around the world through the internet. Mark your calendar.

(Heb 13:8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.



Chris Johnson

My son, if you receive my word and treasure up my commandments with you,

making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding;

yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding,

if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures,

then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

Proverbs 2:1-5

Cultivating a passion for God’s Word is the duty of every one of Christ’s sheep. The voice of the Good Shepherd is heard clearly as we read and study the Scriptures, and it’s our joy to be taught the words of eternal life. I love this passage from the book of Proverbs because it serves to remind us of the power of the Word and the promises that come from being attentive to them.

The Cornerstone exists to promote this kind of treasuring of God’s Word. We praise the Lord for the decades of ministry opportunity and thank Him for the many ways in which the Gospel has poured forth throughout our community. It’s our daily prayer that the music, Bible teaching and family programming will serve to build up the body of Christ and provide occasion for ongoing spiritual maturity and growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Sharathon 2020 is coming up in March and we’d love to encourage our listeners to share with us the many ways the Lord has used his ministry at Cornerstone to impact their lives for the cause of Christ. Please consider calling our testimony line at 386-756-1470, and leaving your testimony of God’s grace. You’re also welcome to mail a note or send an email to, and share with us a testimony of God’s work in your life through the Cornerstone. Thank you in advance and please continue to pray that God would provide our every need so that we might continue to proclaim Christ to the ends of the earth.



Christina Hutchinson

Well, I have been here almost half a decade and it's incredible to me to see all that The Cornerstone has done in just that short amount of time! I can only imagine the hard work that has gone into this ministry in decades past. If you think about it, we have an advantage in the time period we’re in. Things are much easier these days due to technology and social media. Back then, things were a bit more manual rather than so “automatic.”

What intrigues me is looking back at our timeline of events over the decades on the about page of our website. It’s full of all kinds of milestones, new goals, new achievements, etc. We even have listed on there the hurricanes that The Cornerstone has survived through. Each one of these milestones and special moments has not been made possible by us but through you, our listeners.

Everyone desires to leave their mark in a positive way. As Christians we desire to leave the mark of Christ everywhere we go. We desire that others would see our light shine through happy times or through dark times and every moment in between. Most of us, if not all, desire to leave behind a legacy that sparks conversation such as “remember when so and so, what a godly person he/she was... I miss them…”

I think we can all agree that The Cornerstone desires to leave behind a legacy for the sake of Christ. This ministry has one motive in mind to keep doing what we do and that is to Reach The Lost, and Disciple The Saved. Our legacy is not going to be known for self-gratifying motives or choosing the route that made us the most popular. No, instead our legacy will be known for spreading the gospel and being able to do so with the help of our listeners throughout the decades past and the decades to come. Are you ready to leave a legacy? Supporting The Cornerstone this sharathon is a way for you to leave your mark in this community for the sake of Christ.

God Bless & Happy Giving!



Denisha Stearns

Just recently, while the world was looking to turn into a new decade, I turned the big Five-O. Oh, boy! That is FIVE decades now. Some of you readers may be able to relate to my sense of both awe and alarm that so much time has already raced by in my life. So, did I just go over the hill and am on my way down? But… if I’m just over the hill, I’m pretty much at the top of my game, right?

So, to celebrate turning 50 and this new decade, I began a new thing. NOT skydiving. Piano lessons. Learning piano is something I have wanted to do for a long while now, and the lessons have been challenging and fun! That old Franklin upright in my living room is finally getting the attention it deserves after twenty years of “I’m going to teach myself” promises. I realized that if I was going to truly learn to play the piano, I needed the structure, tools, and encouragement that a teacher provides- that is, community and support. What else is on my life’s to-do list? Well, that I may sow more and water more. Do more fishing. “Go” more often to further reaching places as the Lord leads. And I want to meet Julia Roberts. I fully realize that tomorrow is not promised to me or to anyone. But if I’m at half, may the latter half prove to be the better half.

The Cornerstone ministry has also gone through its own decades of life. (Our website has a history section for a good read- check it out.) These decades for the Cornerstone have been meaningful ones, and there is much to be celebrated- growth in our physical facilities and signals, people it has ministered to, businesses and other ministries it has partnered with for greater impact in our community. As long as there are people that need to hear the good news of Jesus and desire help to grow in their knowledge and faith, we determine to be a source of support for them, for you. We at The Cornerstone want to think all the best decades lie ahead. We do not believe for a second that we are winding down, slowing down, or screaming down some proverbial “hill” of age. Yet, tomorrow is not promised to this ministry either, which is why we ask for your renewed commitment every year at Sharathon. And with your help, the structure, tools, and encouragement of this Christian broadcasting ministry will be available for decades and decades into the future. Will you consider it?


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Our Stations



89.7 FM

New Smyrna Beach

90.3 FM

Flagler Beach

97.3 FM


Daytona Beach

102.7 FM


101.3 FM

St. Augustine


1450 AM

Greater Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach

96.9 FM


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