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December 2019 Newsletter



12/24 | Christmas Eve

12/25 | Christmas Day

12/31 | New Year’s Eve

1/1 | New Year’s Day


Christmas time is here and now is as good a time than ever to be praying for those around us. Pray for the unbelievers, that God would use this time to plant His word in their hearts and that they might come to know Jesus as the greatest gift they can receive. Pray for the military families who may be unable to spend Christmas together. Pray for those with illnesses that their spirits may be lifted by all this season has to offer. Lastly, as we approach a new year, pray for a smooth transition for those who may be venturing off on a new chapter in life, that they would rely on the Holy Spirit to be their guide every step of the way.

We had a blast during this year's Operation Christmas Child National Collection Week. Between live remotes at Chick-Fil-A and watching the boxes pour into our studios, we would say this year was a success on many levels. For the Volusia & Flagler area 12,838 boxes were loaded onto the truck! What a joy! Thank you everyone for your efforts in bringing joy and the gospel to children around the world!



by Bill Powell

For many years I decided to not put up any Christmas lights. My reasoning was that if I started, I would not stop until it got out of control. We have a saying around here that if it’s worth doing it’s worth overdoing. Well about four years ago, I saw these laser lights on Facebook. I am generally not an impulse buyer, but I thought, “Wow those are cool,” so I bought one. It was so easy to put up. It only took minutes. Well the next year, I found these laser lights that were way better, so I bought two. Then I thought, “I really like those icicle lights.” Of course, I went to Walmart and Lowe’s the day after Christmas and took advantage of the 50% off on Christmas decorations. I got some real nice rope lights and green and red bulbs for my garage and porch lights. Oh, I almost forgot. I got this great light-up manger scene and a ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season’ hanging light from a friend. They look like neon lights.

Of course, after Christmas last year I again took advantage of the 50% off sale at Lowe’s and Walmart on the Christmas lights. I was able to get these blanket lights to go on my bushes and these great lights to wrap around my palm trees. Did I mention I found this much better laser light that shines candy canes and Christmas trees? Well you can’t have all this without timers and unfortunately, I was forced to have 4 extra electric sockets installed around the house so I could plug all this stuff in. Then there is this year. Yes, again I took advantage of the 50% off last year after Christmas. My wife has begun to call me Clark or Sparky. It seems I am the fulfillment of my own prophecy.

For me, I see Christmas two ways. I see it as a U.S.A tradition and as the celebration of the birth of our Savior. Lights, Christmas trees, family, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, and such all came from a time when our country was new and had immigrants settle from all around the world. Christmas and all its accoutrements as we know it today was a mixture of customs brought here. As a new nation, it became a holiday that we all seemed to share. However, Jesus is the real reason for the season. He is the light of the world. (Joh 1:9 ESV) The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. When I look at my neon manger scene, I am reminded of the story of His birth and how it was prophesied many years before. He came to save us from our sin.

(Mic 5:2 ESV) But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.

(Isa 9:6 ESV) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

When I look at my lights in all their glory, I’m reminded we are to be lights to the world. (Mat 5:14 ESV) "You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”

This Christmas season shine your lights and remember He is the reason for the season.

From all of us here at The Cornerstone, Merry Christmas.



by Chris Johnson

“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…” That was Noah J’s (my oldest son) first favorite song and no matter what time of the year it was he was singing about Christmas! He, as well as all of our children, love the fact that the Cornerstone plays 100% Christmas music through Christmas Day! They laugh and sing their way through the day and of course tell others about the station too.

We are often reminded of how word of mouth is such an important aspect of the success of this ministry. As listeners, you play an important role by making this ministry known throughout our community and we also want to remind you of the opportunity to serve those in our community who are in great need. This month, we are once again collecting blankets for the homeless, toys for the foster children and for our precious seniors, living in local nursing/retirement homes, we are collecting shampoos, soaps, lotions, socks, robes, slippers, and lap blankets.

The Christmas season is particularly special as we reflect on the greatest gift of all, Jesus Christ! At the Cornerstone, it is our prayer that you and your family are richly blessed every time you tune in! May the inspirational Christmas music, the Bible teaching and our great line up of family programs serve as a wonderful tool of bringing joy, love and hope to thousands of lives and we thank God that He is pleased to use this ministry for His Kingdom’s sake. We pray God’s richest blessings on you and yours this Christmas season and may you have a joyous and Happy New Year!



by Christina Hutchinson

What is it about Christmas time that feels so different than any other holiday or season? What makes Christmas so unique, that everyone sets this time aside to be with family, buy gifts, and create a magical experience for kids? I’m not really sure the answer to that question when looking at it from a worldly view. I don’t know how anyone finds true joy in those things alone, being that they’re so fleeting. Let’s face it Christmas is here but Christmas will be over and gone in the blink of an eye and then we’re on to a new year with either new realities or old ones that we’re forced to deal with after having a jolly time.

Family, gifts, friends, Christmas lights, food, etc, are all really great things that we should enjoy this time of year. In fact, I always look forward to spending time with others and seeing the kids’ faces light up at Christmas lights and gifts. But the truth is, none of that compares to the true joy found in the Christmas message and the reality of what Christmas is all about. Just think, when you open that gift that you wanted so much, or maybe it is something you needed, consider what a gift you have in Jesus. Our creator, our Savior, was born in the flesh! Need I say more? Just saying that line alone should spark an overwhelming joy that lasts. Jesus came into this world to carry out the will of the Father, to save us from that wrath that awaited us because of sin. When the shepherds in the field heard the news there was celebration with a multitude of angels! May this season bring joy to your life knowing the gift you have in Jesus. God bless & Merry Christmas!

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

Luke 2:14 ESV

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

Romans 15:13 ESV



by Denisha Stearns

My parents owned a considerable collection of Christmas music when I was a child, all of which was on albums at the time. Decades old even then, the music still seemed as timeless as Christmas itself. Every year, as I got into the spirit of the holiday and turned on the turntable stereo, I fingered through the albums in the rack. Bing Crosby and Robert Goulet many times got first choice over the sugary squealing of Alvin and the Chipmunks. I played them one after another while I wrapped gifts, helped Mom and Dad decorate the tree, or crafted a gift for a family member. I was singing “O Holy Night” and “Away in a Manger” years before I knew Jesus as my Savior. I didn’t realize who this baby Jesus was, but I knew that famous people wrote and sang songs about Him. So, Jesus’ birth with his mom and dad and shepherds and wise men must have been something true or important that I would later come to know and appreciate.

The Christmas story is the same, while the music styles are ever adjusting to peoples’ current tastes. Are there people in our lives who might enjoy listening to Christmas music about the Christ even though they have yet to know Him personally? At the family gathering or one of your own with people from work or school? Our music through December will be all Christmas music. This music could be that conversation starter by which you might introduce someone to your Savior. How many questions might someone be thinking, like, “Why were a bunch of angels singing ‘Glory’ on high?”, and “What is so important about Mary’s Boy Child?” May we all be prepared to answer about our hope. Jesus came to be among us, so that He could live within us. Enjoy the music as together we worship the King of Kings,



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