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November Newsletter 2016

Prayer Corner

Pray for the upcoming election and for our government as it shifts with the changes. Pray for God to be placed back in our government and educational institutions.

Save the Date

Nov. 6 - Daylight Savings Time ends - FALL BACK 1 hour!

Nov 11 - Veteran's Day

Nov. 14-21 - Operation Christmas Child collection days

Nov 24 - Thanksgiving

Nov 25 - 100% Christmas music on The Cornerstone begins!


Historic Times

Bill Powell

With the Presidential election right around the corner it appears we are at a fork in the road. I remember a comedian once said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” The question, all joking aside, is which fork you do you take. I think the answer is take the road that has the best chance of getting you where you want to go. As Christians we need to go down the road that leads to life, the road that will insure we will be able to continue on the path that guides people to the Celestial City. Take the road that leads to life eternal. Back a few elections the motto was, “It’s the economy stupid.” Well, "The love of money is the root of all kinds of evils" (1 Tim 6:10). Money itself is a necessity but not the answer to what ails our nation.

Jesus is the way and we thank God that you realize this and continue to support this work. Your support helps us to shine a light and pave the way down the road that leads to life. We are on the right road. We need to stay the course and continue to look at the big picture. We need to escalate our prayers that the Lord will give us the leadership that will preserve life and allow us to continue to preach the gospel to all who have ears to hear. We are not happy with either fork, but bottom line is it’s one way or the other. Look down the corridors of each path and envision what’s down each. If you do nothing, others will determine for you which road you will be forced to go down. It will be one way or another. Don’t underestimate what the Lord can do, and pray.

On another note, I thought I would give a brief update on our encounter with Hurricane Matthew. I just hope we don’t get Mark, Luke, and John. We probably sustained approximately $5000 in damage but we were spared, like most, a real calamity, praise the Lord. We were on generators at WJLU and WMFJ for six days but were grateful to have them. At the studios we had a real mess with oak tree debris and our front dish was destroyed. The fencing in the back was blown down and we had just minor roof damage. We also had three large trees that went down, but thankfully they didn’t land on anything but the road. We also had a few pieces of equipment die. The real miracle was the river stopped at our back door or we would have had a huge problem. Check out the photos in this news letter. We prayed for you and hope you escaped with minor damage.

Check out our slide show of the damage HERE

Don’t forget Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry. We have a few empty boxes - and I can’t believe I am saying this - but we look forward to Christmas. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for. We are definitely thankful for you.


And Yet,

We Give Thanks

Chris Johnson

First Thessalonians 5:18 tells us, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Our local communities have endured a great deal over these last several weeks, and here at the Cornerstone we’ve been right in that mix! The pictures in this month’s newsletter show the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew, yet they fail to communicate the weeks of work after the storm that were filled with all kinds of interesting and difficult challenges. Yet in our hearts we realize and rejoice in the fact that things could have been much worse and the Lord is in control yesterday, today and forever! So in this season of thanksgiving let us bind our hearts together and rejoice in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! We continue to thank the Lord for each of our listeners and will continue praying for you in the days ahead.


A Fun Day!

Donna Bramlett

The Cornerstone was privileged to host the Home Base Homeschool Co-op for a fun-filled field trip. Honestly, I think we enjoyed it even more than the kids did! Bill gave them an overview of how radio works; Chris and Christina provided some hands-on time in the studio; and I got to share all the fantastic ministry opportunities we have as a community radio station. Aren't these just the greatest (and cutest) kids you've ever seen?!


God's Presence Through The Journey

Christina Hutchinson

I've had a lot of opportunities placed in front of me lately. I get excited when God begins to show His plan for my talents and how they are used to glorify Him! At the same time, I'm also fearful. I'm uncertain of the outcome … am I going to get it right or am I going to fail? The truth is I don't need to worry, because God has promised his presence through my journey. The Bible says in Psalm 139:7-12 that there is nowhere we can go that He isn't there. I don't know where the path will lead that He has put me on, but He does. As Christians we never face our journey alone. Therefore we can be confident in His plan for us and we can be confident that He will use it for His glory regardless of our failures and imperfections.


Download November 2016 Newsletter Here.

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Our Stations



89.7 FM

New Smyrna Beach

90.3 FM

Flagler Beach

97.3 FM


Daytona Beach

102.7 FM


101.3 FM

St. Augustine


1450 AM

Greater Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach

96.9 FM


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